Saturday, February 18, 2017
Episode 97 - Everything Old is New Again
We all complain about how the dream factories of Hollywood only spit out remakes and rehashes of existing properties. We see endless streams of superhero films, and "reimagined" versions of some of our most beloved titles, and we lose all hope. Then along come two really fantastic films that shake us out of this despair and show us that there are still some people out there doing good, original work. People who appreciate that the old ways are sometimes best. We start off with 2016's "The Autopsy of Jane Doe", starring Brian Cox and Emile Hirsch. It is directed by Andre Ovredal, who gave us the amazing "Troll Hunter". This is a small and intimate look into the lives of two men working in a mortuary that are tasked with solving the mysteries behind a woman's body found at a crime scene. It is sensational, and the less you know about it, the better...just go see it! We follow that up with 2015's "Green Room", from director Jeremy Saulnier. It tells the story of a punk band from Washington D.C. that finds themselves on the opposite coast of America, without a dollar, or any gigs, who are offered a shot to perform at a club deep in the woods and frequented by skinheads. Things do not go well. This is such an intense and impactful film, you really have to see it to believe it. Let us know what you thought of the films, and the show, by writing to flickersfrom@yahoo.com or flickersfrom@gmail.com or just leave us a message on our Facebook page.