Thursday, February 2, 2017
Episode 96 - Zero Budget Blockbusters
For this episode of the podcast, we look at two more films from the 70s, but both of these feature special-effects work from people who would go on to redefine what is possible in film effects work. We start off with 1970's Equinox, with effects from Dennis Muren who has more than a few Oscars in his cupboard. It is a very interesting, Lovecraftian tale, about ancient books that unlock doorways to dark realms. It is amazing what they accomplished with no money. We follow that up with 1977's Planet of Dinosaurs, which has some truly spectacular stop-motion work from Jim Aupperle. This is a real throw-back to a simpler type of story, and it is full of groan-worthy moments, but it is still a sweet taste of "the good old days". Let us know what you thought of the show by writing to flickersfrom@yahoo.com or flickersfrom@gmail.com or just leave a message on our Facebook page.