Sunday, August 29, 2021

Episode 194 - Neon Hunters

As we attempt to get back into a more regular schedule, we turn to something that is almost always reliable...the movies that seem at least slightly inspired by the epic Mad Max. We start off with 1988's Future Hunters which mixes the Bible, mythology, Nazis, Amazon warriors, kung fu and everything else you can imagine. All these crazy elements should not work together, but somehow director Cirio Santiago pulls it off to great success! We then move on to 1991's Neon City, starring the legendary Michael Ironside as a bounty hunter in a post apocalyptic wasteland, trying to get his latest catch across a dangerous stretch of land so he can collect the reward. This one completely blew us away and we are all stunned that it's not better known. Currently it's free on Tubi and we urge everyone to check it out. We then ramble through a list of other things we've seen. Please let us know what you thought of the show, and send us some suggestions for future episodes. You can email us at or You can also reach us on FacebookInstagram and Twitter.