Saturday, October 19, 2019

Episode 156 - Down the Hatch

We're back after an extended break while Julie is moving to her new digs. This time we look at two movies starring the late, great Richard Hatch. These are maybe not the two best movies to examine though if you want to prove that he truly was "great". We start off with 1983's Prisoners of the Lost Universe, which is staggeringly inept on many levels but still fun in a RiffTrax kind of way. We follow that up with 1985's Heated Vengeance, which was directed by Edward D. Murphy who had previously done one of our all time favorites, Raw Force. It's a pretty boilerplate tale about a Vietnam War veteran who returns to the country in search of a woman he had fallen in love with during his time in battle. It is not great either, but for both films we try to find the good elements where we can. For the second film we have a special guest, Dylan, who has plenty to add to the conversation. Please send us your thoughts by writing to or You can also send us messages via FacebookTwitter or Instagram!