Saturday, August 18, 2018
Episode 132 - Proms and Trains and Terrormobiles
We ALL love Jamie Lee Curtis, and it was in the 1980s when she cemented her status as the ultimate "scream queen". We look at two films released in 1980 where she is the lead and where young adults and "teens" are carved, and sliced, and diced...We start off with Prom Night which is a familiar tale of a prank-gone-wrong and the eventual, bloody, revenge for that prank. A largely-great supporting cast, including Leslie Nielsen in a tiny role, help tell the tale. Genuinely engaging and very satisfying on every level. We follow that up with Terror Train which Julie described as "Bloody Clue" which is really accurate if you're familiar with Parker Brother's classic mystery game. A bunch of college students pile into an old train for a special New Year's Eve ride which turns into a game of cat and mouse as a mysterious passenger is killing off students, one by one, in revenge for a prank-gone-wrong ( sound familiar? ). This is another fun one, but the last 20-30 minutes are very intense with some truly haunting moments. We loved both of these and recommend them highly. Please write to us with your own recommendations of other slasher films from the 1980s that you think more people should know about. Send emails to flickersfrom@yahoo.com or flickersfrom@gmail.com. You can also post messages to our Facebook page, or message us on Twitter, and please follow us on Instagram while you're at it!