Friday, May 18, 2018
Episode 126 - Extreme Flickers
It's like a bag of flamin' hot cheetos in the cave this time...things are soooo EXTREME!!! We start off with an amazing little movie from 1993 called "Extreme Justice" starring Lou Diamond Phillips and Scott Glenn ( and lots of others ) in a story of a secret team inside the LAPD with a mission to stop certain repeat offenders...permanently! We follow that up with a movie from 1987 from legendary director Walter Hill called "Extreme Prejudice". This stars Nick Nolte and show-favorite Powers Boothe as two men in Texas that find themselves on opposite sides, of the law AND the Rio Grande. It is a massively-operatic tale of good vs. evil and it drips with testosterone. Let us know what you thought of the show by writing to flickersfrom@yahoo.com or flickersfrom@gmail.com. You can also post messages to our Facebook page, or tweet at us @cavewalls. You can also follow us and message us on Instagram.