Sunday, May 14, 2017
Episode 102 - What Can Brownrigg Do For You?
We get very regional in this episode of the podcast, focusing on Mr. S.F. Brownrigg, who gave the world a few memorable films in his too-brief career. We look at two, starting with a later film, 1977's "Keep My Grave Open", which features the debut of the always-excellent Stephen Tobolowsky in a twisted tale that includes such family-friendly topics as incest, murder and equestrianism. We follow that up with Brownrigg's directorial debut, the legendary "Don't Look in the Basement" from 1973. Set in a "sanitarium" it is a wonder of no-budget film making with strong, unsettling performances and grimy, sleazy storyline that really raked in the cash when it would run on the drive-in circuit back in the day. Let us know what you thought of the show by writing to flickersfrom@yahoo.com or flickersfrom@gmail.com or just leave us a message our our Facebook page.