Sunday, October 16, 2016
Episode 91 - Flickers from the Damp
We added an entirely new ( and probably unwanted ) feature to Flickers...VIDEO! If you want to see us recording the second half of the show, click here. We are back to the deep dark sea on this episode, focusing on two older movies that take place above, on and under the waves. We start off with 1966's Destination Inner Space. Full of cheese and an almost Donald-Trump-Level of of gender politics, it is a fun piece of fluff with a VERY impressive monster. We follow that up with a TV-movie from 1981 called The Intruder Within. Starring Chad Everett and Joseph Bottoms, it is a reworking of the story from Alien ( which was a reworking of It! The Terror From Beyond Space and Planet of the Vampires ) but done very competently with some great bits of character development and some nice original touches. Listen in to hear us go into exhaustive ( and exhausting ) detail on each. Let us know what you thought of the show, and especially the video component by writing to flickersfrom@yahoo.com or flickersfrom@gmail.com or post a message on our Facebook page.