Friday, February 12, 2016
Episode 77 - Toy Boats In The Tub
We run giggling back into the strong, manly arms of Mr. Doug McClure again for episode 77 and bask in his glory. It is time to get the rubber monsters out, and to set sail across a mysterious sea filled with mysterious dangers, and we are going to pack our ships with shifty characters and lots of twisty subplots. We go out to sea for 1968's The Lost Continent and follow that up with 1978's Warlords of Atlantis. These are both excellent films that succeed on basically every level ( as long as you judge the monsters a little loosely ). Listen to us rave about them and then please send us your thoughts to flickersfrom@yahoo.com or flickersfrom@gmail.com. You could also leave a message on our Facebook page.