Welcome to 2021! We kick off the new year with a look at a dark side of human behavior...road rage! First up is 2004's "Highwaymen", from the director of the 80's classic "The Hitcher" Robert Harmon. Starring Jim Caviezel and Rhona Mitra, it's a big, noisy action movie, that tells a story of revenge between two men who have fast, dangerous cars. There is smashing, crashing, flipping and exploding action throughout and it's a fun bit of escapist entertainment. We follow that with 2020's "Unhinged" starring Russell Crowe as a huge, psychotic brute with an enormous pickup truck and an axe to grind with a woman and son in a station wagon. It is rough, vicious, intense and violent, and Crowe is terrifying and believable as someone you do NOT want to cross. The show goes long as we get reacquainted after a long pause over the holidays, and we talk about all the things we've watched since the last show. Please send emails to flickersfrom@yahoo.com or
flickersfrom@gmail.com. You can also reach us on Facebook, Instagram
and Twitter.