Thanks to Eli for pointing us in the direction of a series of films that had somehow flow under our collective radars...we are focusing on the "
Thunder Warrior" series, starring Trash himself, mister
Mark Gregory! Borrowing liberally from movies like
Billy Jack,
First Blood,
Cool Hand Luke, and lots of others, the "plots" focus on lead-character "Thunder" who is a descendant from a great warrior chief who is trying to right various wrongs for his tribe and for himself. He runs up against tons of racist cops, sheriffs, and townspeople over the course of the 3 films. We start off with "
Thunder" from 1983, proceed to "
Thunder 2" from 1987 and wrap things up with "
Thunder 3" from 1988. The quality starts fairly high with the first and then just slides downward with the next two, but still, they are entertaining diversions with lots of goofy fun and more than a few cringe-worthy moments that will either start you laughing or make you gasp in disbelief...totally worth your time! Thanks again Eli!
We also do our normal rambling with personal stories and asides, so brace yourself for some meandering discussions. Let us know what you'd like us to look at next by writing to or You can also reach us on
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