SEE! outcast, misunderstood and bullied teens summon the power of pure
EVIL to reap sweet revenge on their tormentors.
SEE! the unbelievable range
of expressions
Clint Howard can achieve with his incredibly elastic
SEE! way more
teenage boys in the shower than you ever wanted to ( I
guess that last one is up to personal preference, to each their

Welcome back to Flickers everyone. In this edition we dig into a
couple of tasty low budget nuggets from 1981. First up, we discuss
Fear No Evil. Truly an ambitious effort, which results in a reach-exceeding-grasp situation. We still found ourselves rooting for this
thing like the little engine that could. Director
Frank LaLoggia manages
to create some truly arresting visuals despite a plot that wanders more
than a tribe of
hunter-gatherers. Coming in next, we delve into
Evilspeak, a flick that is a textbook example of how to take a tiny
budget and stretch it into something that, while not perfect, is totally
satisfying. With a star turn by
Clint Howard and a cast packed with
"hey, it's that guy!' character actors, not to mention a healthy dose
of juicy, practical, gore effects, you will not be disappointed. As ever,
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