Back in 1974, Mike and Marty remember being terrified by the
trailer for a little film called
Beyond the Door. Admittedly a rip-off of the enormously successful
Exorcist with a touch of
Rosemary's Baby, the film raked in cash from a public starving for tales of possession and evil fetuses ( feti ? ). Three years later, a Mario Bava film, originally titled "Schock" was released under the misleading title
Beyond the Door 2. The only thing consistent between the two films is one of the actors, but playing an ENTIRELY different part. This was a total attempt to cash in on the success of the first film. Over ten years later, producer Ovidio Assanitis had completed a film to be titled "Amok Train" but thought their might still be some value in changing the title to the completely baffling
Beyond the Door 3. There is zero common-ground between that film and the original in the "trilogy" and yet still, it exists.
The first film is solidly entertaining and packed with WTF moments and a few genuinely creepy moments. The second film is by
Mario Bava, one of the true maestros of Italian cinema, and is very much worthy of your time as a solid haunted-house movie with some great twists and turns. The third film is 100% crap, and yet still entertaining if you don't mind suffering through bad story, acting and special effects.
Let us know what you thought of the show by writing to
flickersfrom@gmail.com or
flickersfrom@yahoo.com or by posting a message to our
Facebook page.